Hello Friends, Readers and Sunscribers!

FIRST – Subscribers: You have already recieved a version of this message through your email. I had found something I needed to correct and deleted the Facebook entry, but the emails weren’t cancelled. My apology for not noticing that. This version adds a few more details that I hope you’ll check out.

Second – The site address has changed: it is now – Iwantthatmountain.org

This is a notice to let my friends and readers know that some changes will be coming to this site.

As most of you know, I spent the last few years studying writing, which was a major “time drain”, as far as writing and posting stories for this page was concerned. Currently, I am working to finish a Young Adult novel, as well as catch up on home maintenance. I’ve had several friends ask, “How are you enjoying the retired life?” My general answer is: “I have no idea; I’m busier than I’ve ever been.”

After a well-deserved sabbatical, following a brutal semester, I am back at work writing, BUT … to use what I have been studying, I have to practice the art. That might not seem too difficult to some, but the hardest part is finding the time to write all that I want/need to write. For that reason, I will be submitting at least one new blog story per month (more if I have time).

I am making other changes to this site, and will work on opening a section for short stories (to 3000 words). Some of these stories will be mine, and some will be from other writers that I think readers will enjoy. At some point, I may include excerpts of fiction I am writing. I might also cautiously entertain well-edited stories from readers as well (I don’t have much time to edit for others and won’t publish unedited). If you have a story to submit, send me a message. This section will be a space for those who like ro read, but don’t have a lot of time for reading books sometimes.

At my age, one of the most precious comodities is time. Days, weeks and months are much shorter (to me) at my age. The lack of outside structure, such as a real job, has also been an issue. We live in a busy world that changes quickly, and I am trying to catch up. Please be patient, and by all means – give me feedback and/or suggestions. And …

REMINDER: There are almoost 300 stories of different varieties on this site. Some of these stories contain information about my “bad years”. I do not relish these stories, but they are a part of my life. I’m very thankful to have survived myself and urge readers to consider how easily addictions can creep into one’s life, when there is no plan to follow. Some of the stories are funny and some are quite sad, but they are all a part of me. There are also many random silly stories simply meant for a reader’s smile during their day.

Please read, share and pass the site info on to someone you think would enjoy it!

Many Thanks!


PS – Cat Daddy story to follow!